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Thomas students: Join every club that interests you; make more and more friends

Advice for future St. You can always step back in the future, but you’ll never know what you’ll miss if you never take that step forward.

Most memorable St. Thomas moment: There are so many great moments from St. Thomas, so I will share two. The first was on campus, attending a guest lecture. Many students and faculty from my department came. Before the talk, we socialized and got to know one another on a more personal level. After the talk, we had interesting conversations and debates about the lecture. That is the first moment I took ownership of my department and felt fully at ease in a community of friends and learners.

Through these groups I built personal relationships with so many and tried to make every encounter uplifting for those around me

Second is studying abroad in a J -Term class. Every day had a memorable moment, and it was an incredible blessing to live, learn and explore the world with fellow Tommies .

What have you learned about yourself while at St. Thomas ? I built my community through engaging rigorously with faculty and students in my department, attending academic conferences with students across the country, and involving myself with St. Thomas clubs and organizations.

Advice for future St. Thomas students: Dive deep into the academic, spiritual and social offerings of the school. We have world-class faculty who want to help you achieve great things . Get to know them, appreciate them, work with them. You will only take with you what you leave behind. Remember every day that it is a blessing to be at university; how will you make the most of your blessings today? Also, be friendly and take care of each other. When you pass someone in the hall or on the sidewalk, say “ good morning ,” give them a smile or introduce yourself. If we want a robust community who values every person, that starts with smiles, greetings and learning each other’s names.

I learned that I need to be involved in a community that is social, intellectual and truly cares about each other

Post-graduation p lans: I start law school at the University of Virginia this fall. My goal is to become a d istrict a ttorney in Washington, D.C.

Advice for future St. Thomas students: The St. Thomas community is absolutely incredible , and I would recommend taking advantage of every opportunity to get involved, learn and meet new people .

Most memorable St. Thomas moment: Tommie -Johnnie in 2019 was one of the most fun days, but overall experiences would be being an o rientation l eader after my first year. I learned so much about myself and it really pushed me to get involved on campus!

What have you learned about yourself while at St. Thomas? I am capable of doing hard things. I had so much personal growth and exploration, and the process of getting there wasn’t always easy , but it makes me so proud knowing who I am and what I can do.

Advice for future St. Thomas students: Get involved and get your name known with other students, staff, professors, administration, everyone . You never know when or how you might need connections and the network at St. Thomas is amazing.

Post-graduation p lans: I am staying in the T win C ities working for Lockton Re as a broker in the reinsurance industry.

Advice for future St. Thomas students: Don’t let the fear of putting yourself out there stop you from meeting your future best friends. Most of my most treasured college memories and friendships wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t force myself to step outside of my comfort zone.

What have you learned about yourself while at St. Thomas? I learned the importance of community and the fact that, wherever I go after this, I can find the right people to make a strong home.

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